What’s more important. Accomplishment? Or accomplishment over time?
It’s well known that most of our past selves were idiots. So assuming any one accomplishment is the end all be all of your existence and journey to success is a statistically stupid call to make.
And if the next accomplishment isn’t the most important thing, and being able to accomplish something else afterwards is, then we have to optimize for it.
You can’t take on projects that are so hard that you feel to defeated to take on the next project. And it’s a bad choice to work so many hours that your performance drops.
Because your future self is smarter and you have to assume that whatever you’re working on now is inconsequential compared to what you will be capable of down the road.
This doesn’t mean don’t try.
This means optimize for results over time.
Improving a little bit every day for a year beats a one time big improvement every time.
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