If you’re looking for a better life then you need to understand the difference between a dream and a fantasy.
Think of a dream as a picture of the person you could become.
But a fantasy turns that dream into a place you create in your mind to escape to.
Dreams are a beacon of hope that tell you where to go.
But fantasies are a place you live that make you sad when you come back to your real life.
Fantasies can be fun. But taken too far they make us feel bad about doing what needs to be done to get where we want to go.
Because when we fantasize too much about success, we take on the identity of a successful person without the steps required to get there. We feel like we should already be there.
You need to dream of who you could become so you can see what you need to work on.
But then, you need to set the dream down. And experience the life you’re living right now. And be willing to take the next small step required to move you forward.
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