You can be incredible. But you don’t know what form that incredible will take. Skill sets and accomplishments are developed over time and the path is winding. If you come up with a vision for the person you want to become it can fuel you to push towards that person. But you have to remember…
Your mind wants everything. Candy, success, money, fame… it doesn’t matter. Whatever you find yourself chasing, you’ll find that a part of you wants as much of it as possible. Because the panic of daily life optimizes for good things. It doesn’t optimize for good things over time. You have to choose that. When chasing…
If you define your life according to your good days. Then you won’t have many. Because if you have a good day where you’re performing at a high level and then make that your standard you will feel like a failure most of the time. And when you do have a good day and you’re…
You can’t teach anyone without establishing common ground. It’s great that you know a lot of stuff and you’ve researched it and you know for sure that it’s true. But if that truth says something different from what everyone believes, you can’t expect them to now believe you. You have to be willing to connect…
If you’re wasting a lot of time, then it’s probably because you’re not willing to waste a little bit of time on a healthy activity that will make you feel good enough to stop wasting time and get to work. We often wait around on our phones because we feel that taking a break for…
If you try to understand everything you won’t get anything done. But if you don’t try to understand things enough you also will run into a lot of trouble. The learning experience is a practice of assimilating a small amount of information into an understanding and then acting on that understanding, then, through the practice…
You have to be willing to lose the competition in order to win the match. You become too rigid when your mind is set on an outcome. So if you’re competing and you feel like you must win, then you’ll tighten in response to this and try to control the outcome. But the way to…
An act of authenticity requires you to do something that you believe to be true to something else you believe in. Think of your actions as leaves on a tree that connect to branches of truth and reality that shape your worldview supported by a trunk of fundamental beliefs fueled by a spider web of…
If you want to become a more capable person then stop trying to perfect something. Because your goal isn’t the thing. It’s to be better. And usually trying to tweak something into perfection takes away the attention from the massive improvements you could be making. The more you focus on the thing the less important…
If you’re overwhelmed by the number of things you have to do every day then they’re the wrong things to do. There are, and will always be, an infinite number of things you could do in life. And we manage it by seeing tasks from wider and narrower lenses. When you go to dinner with…