Listening to your own instinct is an important element of strength. And listening to your own instincts results in better outcomes over time. If you have an instinct to do or say something and you don’t act on it because you’re not sure about it or concerned what others will think, then you won’t learn…


    If you’re uncertain you should allow yourself to be seen by the world, and you’re worried because you think it might be selfish, remember that it has nothing to do with whether it’s selfish or not. You’re doing a service just by showing up. People need to see others doing things in order to do…


    Study learning not in the masturbatoryand pretentious sense of learning for the sake of learning Don’t glorify learning over accomplishments. That’s just stupid and a symptom of a dying academic culture. Study learning so you can accomplish things faster. Study learning so you can optimize it and understand that you don’t magic yourway to knowledge…


    You don’t know where you’re going. You only know where you’ve been. And you shouldn’t pay too much attention to either direction. Most of us focus on our past regrets and future dreams. And those are useful. One can be learned from and one can inspire you. But when the mistakes of the past are…


    There are limits to your capabilities. But if you work within them and repeatedly accomplish productive work you will build abundance within those limits. Abundance that gives you the energy to try a new challenge and push those limits. If you constantly strain against your limits they will wear you down. But if you do…


    If you’re a creative, visionary person, you should do realistic things. This isn’t because you can’t make your vision come true. It’s because you’re already good at envisioning things and now you need to keep it together. In some cases you should just play to your strengths. And if you can imagine a great piece…


    Going after what you desire has utility. Your body runs off chemistry. And the people who win are the ones who can balance delayed gratification with following their desires. Delayed gratification is a popular wisdom to apply. And it’s important. It’s the skill that enables us to invest in ourselves and our future. But often…


    The shadow is the place where the power lies. We’re terrified of it. The angry beast inside of us is the thing that could get us kicked out of our tribe. It’s the outlier, it’s the wildcard. We fear how powerful we are because we know it’s true. Looking inside yourself and seeing how capable…


    If you’re struggling to focus on the work you care about you’re probably not thinking about the steps that will get you there. You have to live inside your ideas and desires to share them with the world. This is something you have to do if you want results. If you want to get fit…


    You can be incredible. But you don’t know what form that incredible will take. Skill sets and accomplishments are developed over time and the path is winding. If you come up with a vision for the person you want to become it can energize you to push towards that identity. But you have to remember…