Learning to like failure isn’t easy. But it’s doable.
Many people have learned to use their mistakes to become better and even enjoy the process.
The way to start is by understanding that learning to like failure is a skill set, not a discovery.
Then give yourself practice with small failures. Build yourself up. If you know the thing you’re thinking of trying will crush you if you fail it’s probably not the place to start.
Give yourself a small activity that you can succeed at, can be tried in different ways, you know you could do it incorrectly, but if it worked it would make your life better.
Then try it with the understanding that your life will be fine no matter what result you get.
If it doesn’t work. Try again with a variation.
As you do it, remind yourself that failure doesn’t mean you’re incapable. You’re more informed about the world now than you were before you failed.
You can watch the YouTube video below: