Tag: mentalmodel


    The idea of picking a failure that won’t break you is an important one. If you do something big that you care so much about, that if you mess it up it will physically harm you, or you will be so disappointed that you can’t recover or learn from it then it’s not a useful…


    People are so afraid of feeling pride that they destroy their self-worth and belief in their ability to achieve to avoid it. Pride is deadly. It’s the belief that you are more significant than you are in a way that twists the fabric of reality. It’s dangerous because it makes you make stupid mistakes. And…


    If you have a long term goal and you’re not reaching it then you need to decide if your vision for the future is helpful. We look at ourselves not living up to our goals and think about what failures we are for not doing what needs to be done. But what if you’rejust ignorant…


    If you want to feel like you matter then remember this. You want people to use you. You just don’t want to feel used. You want to be useful and then be rewarded for that usefulness. You have to set boundaries to stop others from taking too much. But don’t get so lost in protecting…


    Come up with bad ideas. A lot of them. The ability to come up with ideas is a skill. and anything that’s a skill is naturally something you’re pretty bad at when you start doing it. This means you have to come up with bad ideas in order to come up with good ones. Perfectionism…


    If you’re having a moment with someone and that other person is feeling fear and you want to help them work through it. Don’t try to lessen their fears by making yourself appear weaker. Accept their fear and provide them with strength. Making yourself small is not the answer. It’s easy to assume that when…


    If you want someone to come over to your point of view, then telling them the unvarnished truth will feel like a sword of justice in your hand. But it might not get you the result you want. There’s a difference between being right and getting something done. If you really care about a person…