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If you can go anywhere in the world, you don’t worry about where you should go on vacation. You just go. Because if it doesn’t work out, you’ll go somewhere else. But you have to pick someplace first to learn that lesson.

If you can get any job, you don’t worry about what job you should take. You just pick one. But you must pick a job to learn that you can get a new one.

And if you can say hi to anyone on the street, you don’t worry about who you’re talking to. You just say hello. But you have to say hello to someone if you want to learn how to meet people.

Abundance makes it easier to sacrifice options. But sacrifice, the act of choosing something, is required to create abundance.

So you have to be willing to take the risk of making a choice when you feel like you’re not ready to get there. Or, you have to be willing to believe that you have abundant options before you have evidence to prove it.

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