Here’s the fundamental equation of human progress.
Desire plus boundaries equals abundance.
To get what you want, you first have to figure out what you want and then decide what you are willing to do or give up in order to get it.
From there, you can take a step that will get you a result.
That result will teach you something about the world so that you can better understand what you want and what you realistically can do or sacrifice to achieve your goals.
And if you keep doing this you will grow as a person and become more capable over time. You will begin to live a life that’s more in line with reality. And out of the realistic actions you’re now willing to take will come abundance.
This will inspire you to have stronger desires, which will in turn motivate you to be capable of stronger boundaries, which will protect your world so that more abundance can be created within it.
This is the positive loop of human progress.
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