There’s value in moving back and forth between the extreme and the mundane.
To occasionally push yourself to something weird gives you a life experience that’s not normal.
Because most people wait until external circumstances force the weird or difficult upon them.
To do it preemptively is to explore a different way to live.
And then to explore the mundane is to realize that you’re not really all that, you’re weak and barely hanging on to this life thing because it’s hard. So you voluntarily do wild things sometimes and then do quiet restful things that are way below your competency range.
Both of these make you different from normal because most of us seek the middle ground.
People want activities to be just right. And something that’s too boring or mundane is intolerable so most people seek to be ‘just stressed enough.’
But when we do that we always misjudge and slowly wear ourselves down. Instead, learn to enjoy a boring recuperative life that makes you strong and then dive into the crazy that makes you stronger.
You can watch the YouTube video below: